Economic Crisis Theme of Pécs Youth Festival


István Tarrósy

"We expect hundreds of participants to come from 53 countries around the world to one of Central Europe's biggest and most popular thematic youth festivals - more than ever before," said chief organiser István Tarrósy in Pécs on Wednesday.  "They will look for an answer to what kind of life awaits 21st century man on Earth," he added.

Talks and seminars on the most important questions related to the theme will be held in English at the festival. Several professors from Pécs's university will speak as will guests, among them former Hungarian ambassador to the United States András Simonyi.
Although the festival is for invited guests only, the city's residents and tourists are welcome to the accompanying programmes, Tarrósy said. These programmes - including concerts, dance performances and photography exhibitions - will take place at eight venues in Pécs and one in nearby Siklós, he added.
"The goal and message [of the festival] has always been understanding and dialogue between cultures, as well as thinking together and cooperating," Tarrósy said.
International Culture Week in Pécs is a priority event in the city's 2010 European Capital of Culture programme. Some HUF 11 million of the festival's HUF 25 million budget is coming from the Pécs2010 programme.
Next year, HUF 15 million will come from the Pécs2010 programme in addition to a HUF 35 million budget. The theme for the 2010 festival will be developing relationships with the Balkans.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI