German Opera Company Impresses with Wozzeck in Miskolc


Matthias Oldag, the director of the production, jointly made by the Gera State Theatre and Miskolc Opera Festival Nonprofit, let the music speak for itself, and the conductor Eric Solén brought out the music's many colours. The music always remained in the forefront and was never "outperformed" by the soloists.
Andreas Scheibner's marvelously warm baritone embodied Wozzeck's suffering, and Franziska Rauch's pure and ringing soprano fit well the role of Marie.
Miskolc, once a centre of heavy industry under communism, has become well known for its Bartók + ... opera festival, which it is organising for the ninth time this year. Bartók is always on the festival bill, but a different composer or theme shares the spotlight each year.
Franziska Rauch and Andreas Scheibner
The music of Vienna, with a special emphasis on Haydn and the composers of the New Vienna School, are the complementary theme at this year's Bartók+... International Opera Festival.
Author: Katalin Metz / Photo: MTI