Hungarian Animated Films Show in Brazil, Italy


The animated short Ergo by the Hungarian director Géza M. Tóth

The Hungarian films competing at the 16th Anima Mundi Festival include ones by Alexei Alexeev, Ferenc Cakó, Gergely Cziráki, Tomek Ducki, Mária Horváth, Géza M. Tóth, Lajos Nagy and József Sándor. Screenings of films by the Hungarian directors Ferenc Cakó, Fruzsina Gaál, Pál Tóth and Zoltán Varga Szilágyi are also on the festival programme.

Some 1,200 nominations were submitted to the Anima Mundi organisers for this year's festival, which will take place in both Rio de Janeiro and San Paulo in July.
Ferenc Cakó, Zoltán Varga Szilágyi, and Pál Tóth will also represent Hungary in Dervio.