Hungarian Song Included on Children's Music Compilation


Tudom én már, mit csinálok (I Know Now What I'll Do) was included on the album, called European Playground.

The Alma band in concert
"Putomayo probably learnt of us on the internet, as there are plenty of recordings of us on sites such as YouTube; the song Ma van a szülinapom (Today is My Birthday) has been viewed by 700,000, and even DJs have covered it," said Gábor Buda, Alma's front man.
Alma's song has been included on European Playground with children's songs from England, Denmark, France, Greece, Portugal, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain and Italy.
Buda conceded that his opinion of the trend on the European children's music scene is "not too good". Most music is written for animated films, so there are few real songs.
"Putting poetry to music is basically a trend only in Hungary.  It is thanks largely to the group Kaláka's forty years of activity that putting children's verse to music has reached such a high level of quality here," Buda said.
This March, Alma became an ambassador for the environment. On Monday, the band put out a three-number maxi which includes a song about separating household waste called Szuperkukák (Super Garbage Cans).  The video for the song can be seen at
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)