International Youth of Hungarian Descent Meet in Budapest


More than 700 youth, between the ages of 14 and 25, will come to Budapest from 29 countries to explore their cultural roots. The eleven-day meeting aims to foster connections between participants.

The meeting will involve presentations of folk art and local food, theatre performances, dance classes, tale-telling, concerts and a photography exhibition. Participants will travel to Sátoraljaújhely, in the northeast of the Hungary, as well as to the south of Slovakia.

Among the highlights of the gathering will be a group recitation of a poem by Miklós Radnóti on the steps of the National Museum.
Participants at the meeting will arrive from Romania, Slovakia, Croatia and Serbia, as in earlier years, and for the first time from the Czech Republic, France, Canada and the US. Hungarian dance troupes will also come from Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay.
Visit the Égtájak Bureau's website
Photo: Dániel Kováts