Italian Writes Book on Hungarian Director Jancsó



The book, Miklós Jancsó - The Art of Film between History and Life, published by Marsilio a few months ago, traces Jancsó's entire career, offers an assessment of his films and describes the environment in which he worked. At the centre of the book is a long interview Gambetti made with Jancsó over several years.

Many of Jancsó's early films are seen as allegories of Hungary under Communism. The Round Up, one of the director's most famous pieces, is about torture and intrigue in a prison camp after the 1848 Hungarian Revolution, but it is also about government retaliation against participants in the 1956 Hungarian Revolution, said József Marx, who has written a biography of Jancsó. When Jancsó no longer had to use this "doublespeak", his language of film changed to one of the post-modern, Marx added.
Gambetti headed the television department at the Venice Film Festival between 1974 and 1977. During the 1980s, he founded the Italian film magazine Lumiére. Gambetti has been a regular visitor to Hungarian Film Week for Years.
The forward to the book was written by the Italian director Carlo Lizzani, former director of the Venice Film Festival.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)
Photo: Eszter Gordon / MTI