Munkácsi, Zsolnay Show in New York


The International Center of Photography opened Munkacsi's Lost Archive, a selection of recently discovered negatives, on Friday. The exhibition can be seen until May 3.

Munkacsi emigrated to the U.S. in 1934, he started working as a fashion photographer and replaced his earlier rigid studio settings with models in the outdoors, in lifelike situations and during movement, thus creating a new school of fashion photography. At the height of his success in the early 1940s, he was regarded the world's best-paid photo journalist.
On Saturday, the Forbes Galleries will open a show of more than 150 masterpieces from the Zsolnay porcelain factory. The exhibition runs until March 21.
The Forbes Galleries will also show an exhibition entitled Great Paintings Small Masterpieces to include Hungarian paintings from the collection of former United States Ambassador to Hungary Nancy G. Brinker. Among the pieces are ones by Róbert Berény, József Nemes-Lampérth and Imre Szobotka.
The exhibitions are opening around the same time Extremely Hungary - the Hungarian Cultural Season in New York and Washington -  kicks off.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)