Romanian Culture Institute Recognises Hungarians



Awards of achievement will be presented to the three men at a ceremony in the Grand Hall of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences on Monday.

Zoltán Kocsis enjoys a high profile as both a conductor and a pianist. He recently completed a recording of Bartók's entire works, and he also regularly performs works by the Romania composer George Enescu, said Romanian Culture Institute director Armanka Brindusa, who makes the nominations for the awards.
György Dragomán was born in Târgu Mure, in an ethnic Hungarian region of Romania. His partly autobiographical novel The White King has been translated into several languages, including Romanian.
Media researcher Miklós Sükösd, who heads the Media and Communications Centre of the Central European University, has done much to strengthen ties between journalists, researchers and scholars in Hungary and Romania.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)