Sziget to Offer Half-Price Tickets, Step Up Hygiene on Island


Early ticket sales are up a few percent, but the festival's profitability will depend on day-ticket sales, said Károly Gerendai, who heads the festival's organiser. The half-price tickets, available for HUF 5,250 after 11pm are a wild card, he added.

Gerendai said a "hysteria" had developed around the H1N1 virus and the festival organisers had received many calls for refunds because parents were afraid their children could become infected at the festival. There is no epidemic in Hungary, just as there is no epidemic in Europe, Gerendai said, adding that the rest of the Europe's music festivals had taken place this summer without any problems.
Nevertheless, the festival organisers have taken precautions, Gerendai said. They have prepared a health protocol, set up an isolation area and ordered more stand-by ambulances. There are also more toilets, showers and hand-washing stations with disinfectant, he added.
For the first time, big Hungarian acts will have their own stage, instead of having to share the main stage with big foreign acts. The stage will be the second-largest on the island with a capacity for an audience of about 20,000.
Gerendai said extraordinary efforts had been made again this year to ensure noise levels would not disturb neighbouring residents.
Gerendai said he was personally excited to see shows by La Fura dels Baus, Manic Street Preachers, Klaxons, and White Lies, as well as by the Hungarian band Tankcsapda, who are celebrating 20 years together.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Dániel Kováts