Trafó, Krétakör Host Showcase


Already, some 60 foreign culture managers and institution directors have said they will attend the programme, among them Loughlin Deegan from the Dublin Theatre Festival, Magda Gruzinska of Cracow Theatrical Reminiscences and Gundega Laivina from the New Theatre Institute of Latvia.

The Trafó and the Krétakör have drawn on their extensive networks of foreign contacts to organise the event, which comprises 25 productions selected by a professional body. Performers from cities and towns all around Hungary - not just Budapest - are on the programme. Some ethnic Hungarian artists that live in neighbouring countries will also come to perform.


Hungary's theatre and dance scene are little known abroad, only a few artists enjoy international reputations, says Krétakör managing director Máté Gáspár. "The trend of integration has to start somewhere, it just needs a push at the start."

In addition to providing exposure for those involved, the platform also serves as an opportunity to network.
György Szabó, the director of the Trafó, says he would be happy if foreign guests decided even one or two productions were worth bringing home.
Hungary's independent performing artists will see a change in their chances to gain exposure abroad only when preparations to promote exports of this type of culture start, said Gáspár.
Author: Éva Kelemen / Photo: Máté Nándorfi