Konferenciát rendeznek a fiatal egyiptológusok


Az előadások angol nyelvűek, a konferencián való részvétel díjtalan.

A tervezett program:

Augusztus 31. - Eötvös Loránd University

Opening speech by Dr. Habil. Tamás Bács, Head of the Department of Egyptology, ELTE Speech in Commemoration of Professor Ernő Gaál, late Head of the Department of Egyptology, ELTE by Gábor Schreiber Egyiptom külpolitikája

Alexander Ahrens (University of Tubingen - University of Munich): The Egyptian Stone Vessels with Hieroglyphic Inscriptions from the Royal Tomb at Tell Mishrife/Qatna - New Historical and Archaeological Considerations Máté Petrik (ELTE, Budapest): The Connection between Crete and Egypt in the Middle Bronze Age Zsolt Simon (ELTE, Budapest): Zur Datierung des Kurustama-Vertrages Giacomo Cavillier (University of Genova): Egypt's Foreign and Internal Relations in the Ramesside Age: the Case of the Sherden Todd Gillen (Macquarie University, Sidney): Rampaging Ramses: War Imagery in Ramesside Texts Prof. Miroslav Verner (Charles University, Prague): Recent Archeological Discoveries of the Czech Team in Abusir and in the Oasis el-Haiez in the Western Desert Nyelv és irodalom

Barbara Egedi (ELTE, Budapest): Reconsidering the Categorial Status of Coptic Suffix and Conjugation Base Sara Mastropaolo (EPHE IV, Sorbonne): Research on Animal Lexicography in Ancient Egypt Nikolaos Lazaridis (Merton College, Oxford): Time in Timeless Wisdom: the Use of Tense in Demotic and Greek Sayings Adrienn Almásy (ELTE, Budapest): A Greek Amazon in an Egyptian Story - the Character of Queen Serpat in the Cycle of Petubastis Bori Németh (ELTE, Budapest): The 'Literary Book': Possible Perceptions, Ancient and Modern Szeptember 1. - Eötvös Loránd University

Section A


Gavin Radis-Smith (British Institute at Ankara): Tribe, Caste and Unity during the Naqada Cultural Period in Upper Egypt A.J. (Tonny) de Wit (Leiden University): Ethnicity and State Formation in Egypt - Ideology and Practice Attila Király (ELTE, Budapest): The Phenomenon of Border in Expression of Culture - Elephants in Early Egypt András Hudecz (ELTE, Budapest): Old Kingdom Markets: a Formalised Model Simone Petacchi (University of Pisa): The Name of "Medjayt" from Ethnonym to Anthroponym. A Peculiar Characteristic of the Middle Kingdom Serena Lopizzo (University of Milan): Studies about Ancient Egyptian Ships Gabriella Dembitz (ELTE, Budapest): The Decree of Sethos II at Karnak Claus Jurman (University of Birmingham - Univeristy of Vienna): The Place Where His Majesty Dwells. Some Remarks about the Localisation of Royal Palace, Residence, Central Administration in Late Period Egypt Mladen Tomorad (University of Zagreb): Egyptian Artifacts from Greek-Roman Periods in Croatia - Evidences of Cultural and Religious Connections with Ancient Egypt during Hellenistic and Roman Times Prof. Ulrich Luft (ELTE, Budapest): Bir Minih - a New Gold-Mine in the Eastern Desert Régészet és technológia

Henning Franzmeier (University of Göttingen): A Ramesside Well at Samana near Qantir- a New Insight into the Hydrological Technology of Pharaonic Egypt Melanie Sapsford (Cranfield University): Natron - It's Use in Egyptian Industries Anna Wodzinska (Warsw University): Fourth Dynasty Ceramics of Giza - Main Differences between Giza Plateau Mapping Project Settlement and Funerary/Sacral Material Christian Knoblauch (FU Berlin - Macquarie University, Sidney): Lower, Upper or Something Different? A Critical Analysis of the Ceramic Chronology of Askut in Lower Nubia in the Light of  Regional Studies of Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Ceramics Eszter Berchtold (ELTE, Budapest): Reinterpretation of Coptic Looms Based on Material from TT 65 Johanna Sigl (Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich): Pits with Crossbeams - Investigations on the Loomremains from Coptic Egypt Alexi A. Krol (Center for Egyptological Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences): Topography of Ancient Memphis: Previous Theories and New Data Franc Zalewski (AGH - University of Science and Technology, Cracow): Patina on the Bedrocks and Monumental Buildings of the Giza Region, Egypt Section B

Vallás és társadalom

Joanna Popielska-Grzybowska: "O king! Turn about! O king! Shout! Shout! Day by day, night by night!" - Egyptian Eulogy of Life Adrian Antoniewicz (Warsaw University): Hathor in the Pyramide Texts Zoltán Horváth (Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest): A Multi-faceted Goddess in a Late Middle Kingdom Pyramid Town: Hathor at el-Labun András Gulyás (ELTE, Budapest - EPHE IV, Sorbonne): The New Solar Religion during the Reign of Amenhotep III Eve Guerry (Macquarie University, Sidney): The Reflection of Culture in Language: Ancient Egyptian Conceptions of Boundary Transgression and the Term wm Edoardo Alessandro Guzzon (University of Pisa): Local and Peculiar Priestly Titles in Lower Egypt in the IIIth Intermediate Period and Late Epoch Sara Caramello (University of Udine): The Reception of the Egyptian Funerary Cult by the Near Eastern Communities in the Memphis Area Titus K. Mikolajczak (University of Gdansk): Religion of Persians in Egypt Iwona Kozieradzka (Adam Mickiewicz Univeristy, Poznan - University of Sheffield): Society versus Disease: Dwarfism in Ancient Egypt Prof. Ulrich Luft (ELTE, Budapest): Bir Minih - a New Gold-Mine in the Eastern Desert Holger Kockelmann (University of Trier): It's not Always the Book of the Dead! On the Unusual Texts of Berlin P. 3071 and Other Mummy Wrappings from Graeco-Roman Egypt Gábor Schreiber (ELTE, Budapest): The Final Acts of Embalming. An archaeological note on some rare objects in Theban Elite Burials of the Early Ptolemaic Period Balázs J. Irsai-Nagy (ELTE, Budapest): Ptolemy V in Memphis. The Royal Enthronement Rituals in Ptolemaic Egypt Marie-Eve Colin (University of Paris IV, Sorbonne): The Bekhen-gate and Hathor Kathrin Kleibl (University of Hamburg): Watercrypts in Sanctuaries of Egyptian Deities in the Graeco-Roman Period in the Mediterranean Region Enikő Kiss (ELTE, Budapest): Simon Magus und seine Gnosis Paula Alexandra Veiga (University of Lisbon): Heka Szeptember 2. - Museum of Fine Arts

Művészet és építészet

Dr. Zbigniew Szafranski (Warsaw University): Giving Back the Temple to King Hatshepsut Andrzej Czwiek (Poznan Archaeological Museum - Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan): Memorial of Erasures Giorgia Urbani (University of Bologna - University College, London): Re-used Blocks in New Kingdom Temples from the West Bank at Thebes Agnieszka Johanna Ochał (Jagellonian University, Cracow): Christian Egypt - the Problematic Churches with a Central Plan Zsolt Vásáros (ELTE, Budapest): Tomb Architecture in the New Kingdom: Case Studies Janne Arp (University of Munich): The Private Tombs of Tell el-Amarna - New Results from Old Publications Krisztina Vértes (ELTE, Budapest): Aesthetics and Objectivity - new ways and Old Tradition in Object Documentation Művészet és ikonográfia

Adrienn Nagy (ELTE, Budapest): Jambes arquées. The African Dwarf as Source of the Inspiration of Huwawa and Bes Olga Vassilieva (Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow): Representation of Osiris' Resurrection in the Ancient Egyptian Iconography Grazyna Bakowska (Jagellonian University, Cracow) - Elvira D'Amicone (Egyptian Museum, Turin): Two Magic Gems from the Egyptian Museum in Turin and their Provenance and Trade in the 18th and 19th Centuries Sergej Ivanov (Center for Egyptological Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences): House of Gold: Sculptor's Workshop in the New Kingdom Eva Józefowicz (Warsaw University): A Chief wnwt-priest from the Middle of the XVIIIth Dynasty at Deir el-Bahari Aleksandra Hallmann (University of Gdansk): The Cloak of Pekartror: Novelty or Tradition? További részletek és információ a Fiatal Egyiptológusok Negyedik Közép-Európai Konferenciájának honlapján