Ros Warby: Swift (AUS)


Az Építészet Hónapja keretében a Trafó bemutatja:

Ros Warby: Swift (AUS)

2006. november 3-4. (P-Szo) 20h

Jegyár: 1500 Ft, diákjegy: 1100 Ft, a Trafó bérlet érvényes!

?A szív és az ész meséje?

A magával ragadó Ros Warby Swift című darabjával hosszú idő után egy újabb ausztrál művész mutatkozik be a Trafóban. A Swiftben a koreográfus két művésszel, a csellós Francesca Mountforttal és Margie Medlin látványtervezővel dolgozik együtt, azonos súllyal kezelve a mozgást, a zenét és látványt.

Az előadás három egyenrangú alkotója ? mind nők - a női karakterek többarcúságával játszik: alkotóelemeire bontják a figurákat, hogy másképp rakják őket össze. A Swift egyszerre két közegben is mozog: a színpadon olyan világ tárul a néző szeme elé, mint Alice-nek Csodaországban: folyton változó terek, egymásba nyíló, majd lezáródó átjárók határolják be mozgását; míg a mögötte feltűnő filmen dívaként látjuk őt viszont. Warby egy végletekig letisztult, mégis bonyolult világ ?falai? között táncol ? 12 projektor fényében - néha elveszett kislányként, néha elbűvölő női démonként.

A képzőművészeti installációként is értelmezhető díszlet hajlított falakból, fényből és tüllökből álló sarkában ül csellójával a zenész, hangokból építve fel a világot, mely végül tökéletes szintézist alkot a látvánnyal és a koreográfiával.

Rendező, koreográfus, előadó/Direction, choreography, performance: Ros Warby
Fény, vetítés, díszlet/Lighting, projection, set design: Margie Medlin
Zenéjét szerezte /Composition: Helen Mountfort
Zenész /Instrumentalist: Francesca Mountfort
Film/Cinematography: Ben Speth
Jelmez/Costume: Mila Faranov
Produkciós manager/Production Manager: Richard Montgomery
Színpadmester/Stage Manager: Jean Margaret Thomas
Management/Administrator: Paul Summers @ bb3

Támogatók / Supported by: Australia Council, Australian Federal Government's Arts Funding and Advisory Body, The Australia Government's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Arts Victoria, The Government of Victoria, Építészet Hónapja

SWIFT is Ros Warby?s internationally acclaimed solo dance work depicting the multifaceted layers existing simultaneously within a female character. These characters are pulled apart, played out and exaggerated. SWIFT traverses two worlds: that of the imagined, the made up, the fairytale, the gremlin, the diva; and that of transformation - and the complex, and often unknowable qualities that prompt such transformations.

Ros Warby
Melbourne-based Ros Warby has been a performer and dance maker for the past 15 years, touring her work throughout Australia, Europe and the USA. Warby presents solo work and has also performed with numerous companies and artists including Dance Works, Dance Exchange, Company In Space, Jude Walton and Jenny Kemp, and since 1997, Lucy Guerin Inc. and the Deborah Hay Company.
She has received numerous awards for her performance work including Green Room awards for her performance in Lucy Guerin's Heavy in 1999 and The Ends of Things in 2000. Warby's Solos received the 2002 Greenroom Award for Best Solo Performance, and two nominations for best production and design. Solos was presented in Melbourne 2001 and has toured to the 2002 Adelaide Festival; Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, USA; South Bank Centre, London; NOTT Dance Festival, Nottingham, U.K.; the 'Antistatic' dance event in Sydney and also to Miami. Swift toured to TBA (Time-Based Art) Festival in Portland, Oregon, USA and featured in the 2003 Melbourne International Arts Festival. Warby is an Australia Council Fellowship recipient.
Ros Warby trained in Europe with Marika Besobrasova, Monte Carlo, Central School of Ballet, London, and the Royal Danish Ballet School, then pursued further study at the European Dance Development Centre, Arnhem with Eva Karczag, and in the USA with Lisa Nelson, Dana Reitz and Deborah Hay. She has been working and collaborating with Margie Medlin and Helen Mountfort for over 10 years.
Latest Works
Following on from her successful Solos season in 2001 which toured to the Adelaide Festival, Sydney, Portland, Miami, London and Nottingham, Ros Warby has developed a new program of solo work. Swift is a full-length work building on the earlier solo work, Eve, which won her the Greenroom Award for Solo Performance in 2002. Swift continues her ongoing explorations with film, composition and solo dance. She is again joined by her long-time collaborators cellist/composer Helen Mountfort (from the music group My Friend the Chocolate Cake), who plays live with Warby on electric and acoustic cello, and award winning designer Margie Medlin whose brilliant projection designs create distinct settings for the dancer to navigate throughout the piece.

Consistent with Warby's interests, Swift is an interweaving of dynamic vignettes traversing the many physical, physiological and emotional states contained in the multifaceted layers of a female character. These centre around the transformative (as a children's story or fairytale) - from animal to angel, gremlin to diva - and the complex, and often unknowable qualities that prompt such transformations.
Humorous and elegant in design and choreography, Swift is an engaging and thought-provoking work of dance, design and composition by some of Melbourne's finest artists. Solos is also available for international touring.


?Warby?s dancing is as slippery as the terrain. She melts in and out of poses and attitudes with rubbery grace-soft yet steely, uncommonly flexible. Her arms reach out with spidery precision, then turn gossamer. Impulses slip around her torso, cause her to swing a leg that looks almost boneless or collapse into a knock-kneed plie. The personae she takes on are as evanescent as everything else: her face, as speaks silently, ugly with rage, then anxiously charming. Once, her voice tightens from hight, shy gibberish to tones resembling Donald Duck?s. The goblin morphs into a beauty queen.? (Deborah Jowitt. Village Voice. January 11th 2005)

?Ms Warby is a treasure. She moves with an operatic fullness and emotes with shameless abandon, all the while remaining fascinatingly inscrutable.? (New York Times, Feb 13th 2004)

?SWIFT is a work of outstanding originality: beautiful, absorbing and full of subtle meanings.? (The Age)

?She is a master at blending and morphing and at making the oddest and most compelling bodily transformations? (Herald Sun)

?A delightful journey with Warby through a personal wonderland of memories and fanciful characterisations.? (The Age)

?Ros Warby keeps getting better and better. In SWIFT she seems at the peak of her Artistic practice? (Stage Left)