13th JazzLand Slated for July 24--26


Ferenc Snétberger

The brainchild of saxophone player Iván Tiborcz, JazzLand features a full line up of Hungarian and other European jazz musicians who perform in a hillside park in the village.

Special Providence, whose members are Márton Kertész, Zoltán Cséry, István Bata and Ádám Markó, will begin this year's JazzLand at 8pm on July 24. They will be followed by Csaba Tűzkő and Copacabana Latin Jazz, and Quartet International. Kalengo Ethnic Groove and the Gábor Szalay Trio will begin the second day's programme, with Radio Ruhr Region taking the stage at 10:30pm. The Sándor Molnár Quartet with Mihály Borbély and Károly Binder will start the programme on the last day. From 10:30pm, Juliana Da Silva, Tony Lakatos, Ferenc Snétberger, Davide Petrocca and Angela Frontera will pay a special tribute to Antonio Carlos Jobim.

Tony Lakatos (photo: László Czika MTI)