150 Years of Hungarian Operetta


The first operetta composed and written by Hungarians ? Géza Allaga and István Bényei -- premiered two years later at a theatre in Buda. Hungary soon became an ?operetta power house? thanks to the works of Imre Kálmán, Ferenc Lehár and Jenő Huszka.

Hungary?s theatre diva Lujza Diva gave the musical form a boost with her role in an operetta by József Konti and Antal Deréky in 1885.
Hungarian operettas became an international success with Jenő Huszka?s Prince Bob in 1902. Operettas by Ferenc Lehár, such as The Merry Widow, followed, but the best known Hungarian operetta abroad remains Imre Kálmán?s Csardas Princess.
Although the ?end of the operetta? has been proclaimed many times, the form remains popular. Just this year, Moscow?s Bolshoi Ballet performed the first opera in its history, Die Fledermaus, by Johann Strauss.
Source: Múlt-kor