1848-49 Revolution Commemorated Abroad


Wreathes were laid at a statue of György Bessenyei in Vienna?s Weghuber Park at an event organised by the Collegium Hungaricum and the Hungarian Embassy on Wednesday.
A screening of the film 80 Hussars also took place in the Austrian capital followed by a talk with the director Sándor Sára, the actor Géza Tordy and the historian István Kovács.
The Hungarian Cultural Institute in Bucharest opened an exhibition of work by the father of Op-Art Vasarely. The opening was followed by a performance by the pianist Krisztian Taraszova, a Fischer Annie Scholarship winner.
The Hungarian Information and Cultural Centre of Delhi opened a photo exhibition commemorating the exhibition. The centre?s librarian Ágnes Kirpalani held a lecture entitled The Revolution of Youth.
The Hungarian Scientific and Cultural Centre of Helsinki organised a Week of Hungarian Culture in Pori, in Western Finland, timed to coincide with the commemorations. One of the highlights of the week was a performance by the Pori Sinfonietta conducted by Imre Kollár and featuring Gábor Varga on clarinet.
The National Association of Hungarians in England organised a commemoration at the Saint Stephen House in London.
The Hungarian Cultural, Scientific and Information Centre in Moscow held ?Mihály Zichy Days? on Monday and Tuesday. The Hungarian artist was a painter to the tsars for years.
In Paris, wreaths were laid at Kossuth Square, near Saint-Lazare station by French Hungarian organisations and by Hungarian diplomats. The anniversary was also remembered at the grave of Blanka Teleki ? who established the first Hungarian school for girls ? in Montparnasse Cemetery.
The Hungarian Institute in Prague hosted a concert by young musicians. The violinist Éva Mihályi, violist Veronika Botos and cellist Anita Miskoczi played works by Mozart, Kodály and Dohnányi.
The opera singer Sylvia Sass performed works by Liszt, Bartók and Kodály at the Hungarian Academy in Rome.
The Hungarian Institute in Sofia organised a concert by the violinist Milena Valeva and pianist Violeta Popova performing with the child prodigy Iva Marinova.
The Old City Music House in Tallinn hosted a lecture and concert that focused on the folk music traditions linked to the 1848-49 revolution and the war of independence.
In Poland, commemorations of the revolution were held in Warsaw?s Zamkowy Square.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI