4th Century Necropolis Soon to Open to Public


The early Christian necropolis was included on UNESCO?s World Heritage List in 2000. UNESCO said the tombs are ?important both structurally and architecturally, since they were built as underground burial chambers with memorial chapels above the ground. The tombs are important also in artistic terms, since they are richly decorated with murals of outstanding quality depicting Christian themes.?

Excavations, started at the necropolis as early as 1782, have revealed the remnants of a chapel and more Roman tombs, as well as a castle built in the Middle Ages, said the site?s chief archaeologist Zsolt Visy.

Other cultural sites in Hungary included on UNESCO?s World Heritage List include the area of Budapest along the Danube, the Castle District and historic Andrássy Avenue, the area around Fertö, or Neusiedlersee, on Hungary?s border with Austria, the Hortobágy National Park, better known as the ?Puszta? in Hungarian, the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma and the famous Tokaj wine region. On UNESCO?s World Heritage List of natural wonders are the caves of Aggtelek, which Hungary shares with Slovakia.

For more information on Hungary?s World Heritage sites, please visit http://whc.unesco.org/en/statesparties/hu