56 Documentary Shows in Washington


Writer-director Klaudia Kovács. Photo: MTI

Torn From The Flag, a 97-minute film which traces the prelude to and the effects of the 1956 Revolution from 1945 until 1991, premiered in Hollywood in November. The film shows interviews with eyewitnesses and historians, as well as historical footage.

HAC president Edith Lauer, who emigrated to the United States with her family in 1957, said the two filmmakers had created an extraordinary mix of personal histories and historical explanation. She said the film ought to be made compulsory viewing for pupils studying 20th century history because of the excellent way it shows communism and the effects of totalitarianism on the hearts, souls and lives of people.
Klaudia Kovács told the audience at the event that she had worked for nine years on the film. She was compelled to make it because nobody had yet made a documentary film that approached the revolution from a global perspective.
Tom Rogers, a former US diplomat who served in Budapest in 1952-1957, said the film was both precise and moving. He added that the film gave voice to those who believe America was right not to intervene militarily in the revolution.
Kovács expressed her regret that the film had received limited exposure in Hungary, but said she hoped this would change as its international profile grows. The film has been invited to about ten important festivals.
Kovács said the film could be used for educational purposes in Hungary. She added that it had not been made with any political aims. It did not receive any support from Hungary and is "an objective historical lesson", she said.
Torn From The Flag features interviews with victims and participants of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution - even a former member of the secret police speaks - filmed in the U.S., Hungary, Italy and Russia. Among the people interviewed are former Hungarian president Árpád Göncz, former US statesman Henry Kissinger, and Ottó Habsburg.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)