6th Zsámbék Jazz Open Starts June 30


At the first Jazz Open, there were just three performances, and the event was held mainly to gauge interest. But ever larger audiences have come to hear the music on offer, and Hungary?s state radio broadcaster has re-broadcast the performances since 2001. The festival?s oragnisers aim to offer an opportunity to young talent to prove their skills as well as to keep Hungary?s already well established jazz musicians busy in the summer. On the event?s programme are performances by musicians from Hungary, other countries in Europe and the US. Performers from Zsámbék and the surrounding villages have also been invited to participate. They include the students of the local music school, whose teachers have performed during the last two festivals.

Festival Programme:
Friday, June 30, 19:00
1. Teachers and Students of the József Gungl Primary Art Institute (Zsámbék)
2. Öcsi Jazz (Zsámbék) with András Payer (voice), Attila Juhász (piano), Németh Gábor (bassguitar), Tamás Berdisz (drums)
3. Introduction of the winner of the Gábor Radics Jazz Violin Talent Search Competition Lajos Sárközy (violin) with Gábor Cseke (piano), Sándor Sárkány (double bass), Tamás Berdisz (drums) Tickets: 800 Ft

Friday, July 7, 19:00
1. Pecek Lakatos Trió (Budapest) with Jr. Adorján Pecek Lakatos (piano), Krisztián Pecek Lakatos (double bass), András Pecek Lakatos (drums) Guest: Jánoska Roman (runner-up of Gábor Radics Jazz Violin Talent Search Competition)
2. Péter Czakó (Tinnye) and friends with Béla Szalóky (trumpet, trombone), Gyárfás Trió: István Gyárfás (guitar), Péter Czakó (bass guitar), Balázs Cseh (drums)
3. John Ellis (saxophone, New York) and the Dániel Szabó Trio with Dániel Szabó (piano), Mátyás Szandai (double bass), András Mohay (drums) Tickets: 2000 Ft

Friday July 14, 19:00
1. Szabolcs Oláh (Bicske) and friends; Piccolo Inn with Balázs Szendőfi (bass guitar), Mirkó Milosevits (piano), Szabolcs Oláh (guitar), Szilárd Banai (drums) with guest Luca Kézdy (violin, winner of audience award at Gábor Radics Jazz Violin Talent Search Competition)
2. Gábor Gadó (guitar, Paris) with Boglárka Fábri (percussion) Tickets: 1000 Ft

Friday, July 21, 19.00
1. Plútó Fusion Collective (Budapest) with József Plútó Horváth (bass guitar, double bass), Roland Balogh (guitar), Zoltán Balogh (synthesizer), József Bordás (drums) Guest: László Duka (violin, winner of 3rd place at Gábor Radics Jazz Violin Talent Search Competition)
2. Italian evening 2.a Nikoletta Szőke Jazzclusive (Budapest) with Nikoletta Szőke (voice), Róbert Szakcsi Lakatos (piano), József Barcza Horváth (double bass), András Mohay (drums) guest: Alice Ricciardi (voice, Rome) 2.b Free Three (Siena-Budapest) with Giulio Stracciati (guitar), János Egri (double bass), Piero Borri (drums) Tickets: 1500 Ft

Friday, July 28, 19:00
1. Antal Pusztai (guitar) 2. Israeli Evening
2. Imre Kőszegi Quintet (Budapest) with Imre Kőszegi (drums), Béla Zsoldos (vibraphone, marimba, steel drums), Dániel Mester (saxophone), György Pataj (piano), György Orbán (double bass); Eli Degibri Quartet (Tel Aviv) Tickets: 2000 Ft

(A pass for all five evenings may be purchased for 5000 Ft.)

Source: Fidelio