Afghanistan in Focus at Örökmozgó Cinema


The series of films will start with two Russian films that show the Afghanistan of the 1970s and 1980s. In Hot Summer in Kabul, by director Ali Khamrayev, a Russian surgeon travels to Kabul in 1978 and witnesses the activities of fundamentalist insurgents. The Muslim, by director Vladimir Khotitenko, shows the conversion of a Russian soldier taken captive in Afghanistan in the 80s.

On January 25, the Örökmozgó Cinema will show three films: The Kite Runner, directed by Marc Foster and based on a novel by Khaled Hosseini about a wrong that brings back the main character to his childhood home, Afghanistan under the Taliban; Osama, by director Siddiq Barmak, which shows how women live in present-day Afghanistan; and Charlie Wilson's War, directed by Mike Nichols and starring Tom Hanks, which shows how US money and weapons were funnelled to the Afghans for their fight against the Soviets.

Where In The World Is Osama Bin Laden, by director Morgan Spurlock, who gained fame with Super Size Me, shows the search for the world's best known terrorist in Egypt, Morocco, Israel, Jordan, Afghanistan, Saud Arabia and Pakistan.
The Hungarian short documentary film A Day in the Life of (Ivan) Baglanovics -- an on-site report about Hungarian soldiers stationed in Puli-Khumri preparing for deployment by László Benda and László Rácz - rounds out the programme. Benda will hold a question and answer session at the screening of the film.
The Programme
January 23, 18:30: Hot Summer In Kabul, dir.: Ali Khamrayev, 1983, 87 min. 
January 23, 20:30: A Moslem, dir.: Vladimir Khotetenko, 1995, 107 min. 
January 25, 16:30: The Kite Runner, dir.: Marc Forster, 2007, 122 min. 
January 25, 18:30: Osama, dir.: Siddiq Barmak, 2003, 83 min.
January 25, 20:30: Charlie Wilson's War, dir.: Mike Nichols, 2007, 105 min. 
January 26, 20:30: Where in the World Is Osama Bin Laden?, dir.: Morgan Spurlock, 2008, 93 min.
January 27, 20:00: A Day in the Life of (Ivan) Baglanovics (dir.: László Benda and László Rácz, 2007, 16 min.) Guest after the screening: László Benda 