Alexandra Holds First Rare Books Auction


Of the 194 lots at the auction, all of which were sold, a 340-page manuscript of the diary of the Hungarian writer Zsigmond Móricz fetched the highest price ? HUF 5.5 million. The manuscript, which contains sections which have never been published, is listed, as are several letters sold at the auction.

Among the other most sought after lots at the auction were a letter written by the famous Hungarian poet Dániel Berzsenyi to the poet and editor Gábor Döbrentei on March 8, 1830 which sold for HUF 3.4 million. A letter written by the playwright Imre Madách to his friend, the politician Menyhért Lónyay, describing his travels in Pest in 1838, was offered at a starting price of HUF 1.5 million, but fetched HUF 2.4 million. A manuscript of a poem by János Arany was sold for HUF 500,000.

A first edition collection of poetry by Sándor Petőfi published in 1845 was sold for HUF 1.8 million, six times the starting price. The first edition of Mihály Vitéz Csokonai?s mock-heroic poem ?Dorottya or the Triumph of the Ladies at the Carnival? from 1804 was sold for HUF 750,000.

The first Hungarian rule book for games of cards, published in 1824, was sold for HUF 110,000.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)