American Audiences Like Chameleon


 Gabriella Hámori

The reception for the film was very good - there wasn't a free seat in the house at the second screening on Wednesday as the film has generated such a buzz at the festival, said Goda. At the first screening on Tuesday, the 400-seat screening room was packed, she added.

Many people in the audience praised the film and asked questions about it, said Goda. They saw a film with European sensitivity, but American quality, she added.
Some members of the audience said European films remind them of the 1960s, but not Chameleon. "They liked how the film was unpredictable, and everybody was surprised by the ending," said Goda.

 János Kulka

Film-goers at the screening said they wanted to know what becomes of the Chameleon's main character. Goda said she had no plans to make a sequel, but would not exclude the possibility.

Zsuzsanna Kálomista, managing director of HungariCom, the foreign distributor for Chameleon, said Oscar entries with good chances are selected each year to show in Palm Springs. More than 40 foreign films were on the festival programme, she added.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: