Anniversary of 1848-49 Revolution Marked in US, Canada


János Horváth, the oldest member of Hungary?s parliament, will speak at several events, including ones at the Hungarian consulate in New York and the Hungarian embassy in Washington.
He will be accompanied by MP Mónika Bartos at meetings with representatives of Hungarian communities in Lexington, Sarasota, Naples, Venice, Boston, New York, Washington, Miami and Los Angeles.
Hungarian ambassador György Szapáry delivered a speech at an event of the American Hungarian Alliance at the American University in Washington on Sunday.
Consul general Károly Dán will place a wreath at the Kossuth statue in New York at an event on March 17. Chairman of the Hungarian Scouting Association Abroad Imre Lendvai-Lintner will participate at the event.
A wreath-laying ceremony and commemorative event will be held at the United Hungarian House in Los Angeles on March 18.
An event marking the anniversary was held at the Hungarian House in Ottawa on Sunday.
State secretary of the Ministry of Public Administration and Justice Bence Rétvári will address a reception to be held at the Hungarian embassy in Ottawa on March 15. He will also meet members of the Hungarian Friends? section of the Canadian parliament and attend a ceremony of ethnic Hungarians taking oaths of citizenship in Vancouver on March 17.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)