Anthology of Children's Poems a Bestseller


The book includes more than 150 poems, collected in ten thematic groups. It contains short rhymes, poems about family life and school, renderings of traditional tales told in verse and nonsense rhymes. The editors have gathered in a single volume several generations of poets, representing very different styles and approaches. Contributors to the collection include well-known names such as István Csukás, István Eörsi, Vilmos Gryllus, Endre Kukorelly, Péter Müller Sziámi, Imre Oravecz, Lajos Parti Nagy and Dezső Tandori. In addition to excellent writers, the editors included an equally talented illustrator, Mari Takács, whose work can be seen at Both critics and parents have agreed that Fresh Ink is a real success for both young and old alike.

Weekly Élet és Irodalom (Life and Literature), Hungary?s definitive literary review, wrote that, although Fresh Ink has been written for younger children, it may be even more appropriate for adults. The weekly welcomes the absence of pedantic and moralizing poems, and notes that it helps children discover their language through the musicality of poetry. Even if they may not yet understand them, children can still immensely enjoy the poems, according to Élet és Irodalom, because they can feel the essence of their meaning, regardless.