ARC Billboard Contest Submissions Top 1,000


Electronic submissions were allowed for the first time this year, making the process much simpler. The deadline for submissions for the main contest was June 27. The deadline for separate contests for one-minute short films, political comics and images of dance and music has been extended until July 11.

Submissions - based on the theme for this year's competition, "Where is happiness nowadays?" -- will be evaluated by a jury consisting of Gábor Bakos, who founded ARC; the cultural researcher Eszter Babarczy; head of the Memo creative workshop Emese Gellért; Balázs Bodó, an economist and a researcher for the Budapest Technical University's Sociology and Communication Department and the Media Education and Research Centre; the art historian and critic József Mélyi; deputy chairman of the Art Directors Club Hungary András Sántha; and the winner of last year's ARC contest Petra Kocsis.
The winners will be displayed on Budapest's '56 Square between August 28 and September 16.
Winners will be announced on