Architects Establish Professional Centre in Budapest


"Almost every city in Europe has such an architecture centre," said Imre Bálint, who heads the Budapest Chamber of Architects. These centres show architecture as an integral part of culture the arts and society, he added.
The Budapest Chamber of Architects decided five years ago to establish the centre.
"Architecture owes much to society and society owes much to architecture - this is the state we want to resolve with this place which we see as a genuine point of connection," said Budapest Chamber of Architects deputy head János Mónus.
Over the past decade, more and more places that deal with architecture have been established, and more and more porgrammes have been launched. Within FUGA's profile, all of these will find a place, while at the same time offering the chance to represent the profession, said FUGA programme director Bálint Nagy. The more than 700-square-metre centre will serve as a space for exhibitions, concerts, children's programmes, film screenings and theatre performances, he added.
The Budapest Chamber of Architects spent HUF 65 million on the renovation of the building in which FUGA is based. It will gradually decrease its support of the centre until the end of 2010.
Photo: MTI