Art Historian to Speak on Hungarian-Croatian Links


 László Beke

Beke, who is Director of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences' Research Institute on Art History, has long had a special interest in contemporary Croatian artists. He will travel to Zagreb soon to prepare a retrospective of the work by the Croatian artist Ivan Ladislav Galeta.

Beke will discuss the Hungarian avant-garde in the 1970s, the effects of 1968 and Eastern European art, including Croatian artists, such as Dalibor Martinis, Sanja Ivekovic and art historian Davor Maticevic. He will also talk about Radoslav Putar, a member of the Gorgona art group and a former museum director in Zagreb.
Zagreb used to be a Mecca for artists in Eastern Europe. The city hosted one of the world's first computer art exhibitions in the early 1970s, Beke said.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: