Artists Show Different Side of Pécs


?Uran City Explorer is based on the everyday life and context of Uran City, but at the same time offers a new take on a stereotypical view of this district,? the programme organiers say on their website.

?After receiving your route description at the meeting point, you will be guided, two by two, zigzagging between different generations of housing developments, to arrive from one apartment to the next. In each flat a new artistic experience awaits, ranging from performances to installations and interactive situations. Venture from one ?secret chamber? of artistic imagination to another and don't be amazed to find that even the walk through Uran City is full of surprises and new discoveries.?
Three productions are being shown in the framework of Pécs PLACC: a traditional place-specific theatre production by the Dutch Compagnie Dakar company; a scenic city walk by the participation of foreign and Hungarian artists; and the land art installations of the Pécs South Wind Collective.

?All three productions - deriving from their space-specific character - requires a new, usually more (pro)active approach from the spectator. In the meanwhile the public of open-air productions include the people who walk by, or happen to be there just by accident,? the organisers say.

Uran City Explorer is part of Pécs?s 2010 European Capital of Culture programme.