Ballet Director Calls For Resignation of State Opera Director


Culture Minister András Bozóki issued a statement after the news saying he would gather information about the issue and negotiate with the persons involved.

Hegyi argued in a statement that he had begun the modernisation of the opera, cutting the number of performances by 10 percent, for reasons of cost, and planning a refurbishment of the Erkel Theatre, which serves as an alternative venue for the opera, as well as a new electronic ticket sales system. Also in the planning stages are a new rehearsal stage, updated lighting and better business planning, in order to maximise efficiency, while maintaining the highest degree of artistic integrity.

Keveházi, a holder of the Kossuth Prize, Hungary?s highest award for artists, said Hegyi had changed the programme for the 2006-2007 Opera House and National Ballet seasons without consulting him. He said cutting the number of performances indicated a "lack of professionalism" and was unacceptable.

Clearly, Hegyi is unable to implement the artistic concept outlined in his application considering the economic conditions, Keveházi said.

Keveházi also said Hegyi?s lack of aptitude was the reason for the recent departure of renowned chief conductor János Kovács and managing director József Kunos.

Hegyi said in his statement that the Opera House needs a comprehensive modernization as well as a new approach to supporting performance and creative values. It must put an end to excessive spending, and reducing the number of performances is ?one small step" towards remedying the financial problems inherited from the previous management, he said. Hegyi noted that the number of Hungarian State Opera performances will still be twice the number of performances at Milan's Scala, Venice's Fenice, or the Prague national opera.

"As part of my career as a theatre director, I have already founded a new opera company, modernised the theatre of the second largest city in the country, and organised an international opera festival of European quality from scratch. I know exactly what steps are necessary to renew the Opera House in operational and economic terms," Hegyi said in his statement.

"We have held all-inclusive negotiations, and all the members of the board have agreed to the changes, so it was a joint decision," he added in the statement.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)