Bánffy Castle Restoration Team Wins Prize


Tamás Fejérdy

The centre which won the award in the Education, Training and Awareness Raising category, offers theoretical and practical on-site training in the skills of stonemasonry, masonry consolidation and carpentry at the threatened baroque Bánffy Castle. Lectures are followed by hands-on learning in practical workshops, in which the students are involved in real restoration projects. So far more than 800 trainees, mainly craftsmen and university students, from 13 European countries and overseas have been trained, and important parts of the unique Bánffy Castle were restored.


"The project is highly appreciated for its twin approach: training for conservation / conservation through training. The Built Heritage Conservation Training Centre is an excellent example of cross border exchange of knowledge and a worthy winner in the 2008 European Year of Intercultural Dialogue," Europa Nostra wrote of the winner on its website.

Tamás Fejérdy, deputy head of Hungary's Cultural Heritage Protection Office, said about one-fourth of the Bánffy castle has been restored so far. It remains to be seen whether the castle's gardens can be restored, as the land is owned by several individuals.

Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photos: Tibor Oláh (MTI)