Bartók, Kodály Open Zemplén Festival


The young and talented Katalin Kokas played Bartók?s Violin Concerto accompanied by the Budafoki Dohnányi Orchestra under the baton of Kossuth Prize-winning conductor Zoltán Kocsis. The orchestra also accompanied the Budapest Academy Chorus and tenor soloist Tamás Cselóczki in a performance of Kodály?s Psalmus Hungaricus.

On Saturday, the Budapest Dance Ensemble performed the premier of ?Macrocosm?, a dance piece choreographed to Bartók?s Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta, by Zoltán Zsuráfszky and directed by Gábor Hollerung at Sárospatak?s Arts Centre. One well-known critic said the production reveals that rich and deep connection which was supremely demonstrated in the 20th century by the folklorist Bartók.?

Dieter Topp, who heads KulturForum Europa, a foundation started by former German foreign minister Hans-Dietrich Genscher for the purpose of propagating the idea of European society in all areas of culture, said the Zemplén Festival had proved a remarkable example of the decentralisation of culture.

Festival director Miklós Turjányi noted that 95 percent of the tickets for the opening concert had been sold, thanks in large part to the introduction of online ticket sales.

To see the full programme of the festival, visit
