Bartók-Pásztory Award Winners Announced


Bartók's second wife, the pianist Ditta Pásztory, established the award, to be presented to a Hungarian composer and a Hungarian performer each year, in her will. Pásztory died in 1982 and the first award was presented in 1984.

At the award ceremony, the violinist Barnabás Kelemen will perform in honour of György Pauk, and Katalin Károlyi will join the Amadinda Percussion Group on harmonica for a performance of György Ligeti's Síppal, dobbal, nádihegedűvel.
 Past winners of the Bartók-Pásztory award include Annie Fischer, György Cziffra, György Solti, Zoltán Kocsis, András Schiff and Éva Marton.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)