Béla Pintér and Company Perform at Kontakt in Poland


The company calls Muck ?a political music drama about modern-day Hungary? on its homepage.
?The narration begins in a children's home where , instead of two sweet babies, a couple of adolescent girls get the chance to leave. The couple who become their parents are sincerely well-meaning and the arrival of the girls breathes fresh air into the community. The fight for a place in the sun is tough, however.?
Béla Pintér and Company won two prizes for their rending of The Beggar?s Opera at the festival in 2005.
Earlier Hungarian guests at the festival include the Krétakör and the Katona József Theatre
Béla Pintér and Company will perform Muck in Wiesbaden in June and in Zurich in August.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)