Bishops Conference Organises Catholic Culture Days


 Péter Erdő

The programme, to take place from next Tuesday until Thursday, is expected to become an annual event. It will show arts and literature that affect the Catholic religion.

About 50 cities and towns will host almost a hundred events that show the church's cultural riches. Churches will be open all day and guides will give tours of their collections free of charge.
Erdő said even today there are artists whose work is affected by their faith or who deal with questions that are important from the view of faith. Research programmes have also been started, he added, citing the Hungarian Catholic Culture Centre at the Pázmány Catholic University.
The Hungarian Catholic Culture Days programme will start with the opening of a new book store by the Saint Stephen Society in Budapest's Kossuth Lajos utca.
MKPK secretary Gábor Mohos said the conference gratefully acknowledged Pope Benedict's authorisation of the promulgation of a decree of martyrdom recognizing Hungarian Bishop Zoltán Meszlényi.
The beatification of Meszlényi will take place in the basilica of Esztergom presided by Archbishop Angelo Amato on October 31.
Mohos said a meeting of Hungarian priests, including ones who live outside of the country's borders, would take place in Esztergom on April 15, 2010 to celebrate the Year of the Priest. Preacher to the Papal Household Raniero Cantalamessa will be the key speaker at the event.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: MTI