Bonn Opera to Premiere Kovalik Production


Kovalik, whose work has been followed closely in the German press ever since the Budapest premiere of György Ligeti?s Le Grand Macabre in 1998, directed Puccini?s La Boheme last year and Péter Eötvös?s new opera The Tragedy of the Devil in February in Munich.
 Balázs Kovalik

Kovalik said it was interesting that the Bonn Opera had asked him to come and saw it as an attempt to maintain the same artistic position it had when the city was the capital of Germany. They are striving to bring fresh productions and newly discovered talent to the city?s audiences, he added.

Kovalik conceded he could not turn down a chance to direct Katya Kabanova. ?Janacek?s musical world is one of genius and very close to my own soul. On the one hand the opera is about a realistic story, but the music is surreal and could even be called impressionistic,? he said.
Music is an intangible thing, you can?t shut it up in any particular system of code, Kovalik said.
The stage design for the production is by Csaba Antal and the costumes by Angelika Höckner.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Máté Nándorfi