Book Documenting Disappearing Peasant Culture Available in US


Péter Korniss

The book, published by Budapest's Helikon Kiadó, is being sold in the US by Fresco Fine Art Publications.

Korniss focuses on the village folk, industrial workers, children and the old people of Hungary and Transylvania, and through his eyes, we become fond of these people and their culture, Fresco Fine Art Publications says of the book.
"To preserve a way of life that will soon disappear! As a photographer I couldn't have found a better task for myself. The gift of photography is that we can preserve even the most ephemeral subject: man - in the world he created and in which he lives," Korniss said.
Beginning in 1967, Korniss noted that "in the dim light of a 'dance house' in Szék, ... it was as if nothing had changed here in this tiny Transylvanian village for a hundred years. Yet, by the beginning of the1990s....After the political landslide in Eastern Europe, the life of the old, familiar villages began to change before my eyes. The changes came swiftly and were eye-catching. The symbols of distant worlds arrived in peasant homes."
Peter Korniss worked for the women's weekly Nők Lapja, from 1961 until 1991, and was Picture Editor for the theatrical monthly Színház between 1991 and 1999. A freelance photographer since 1999, Korniss' photographs have been seen in international magazines including National Geographic, Geo Magazine, Fortune, Time, and Forbes. Exhibitions of his work have been held in galleries and museums in sixteen countries. In 2004 Peter Korniss was awarded the Pulitzer Memorial Prize.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Fresco Fine Art Publications