Book Week Weekend in Ráday Street


The miniature train will run between Ráday Street and Vörösmarty Square between 10:00 and 18:00 on June 10 and 11. Passengers may ride free of charge.

Once again, the events to mark Book Week will feature the unveiling of the Monument to the Unknown Sponsor. Anyone can wear the logo of the ?Unknown Sponsor?. And with a hundred forint contribution, visitors can telephone for free thanks to the support of cable company UPC. Proceeds will go to purchase books for the Gát Street Special Needs School.

Hungary?s National Blood Drive will also be at Ráday Street at the weekend, welcoming blood donors between the ages of 18 and 60.

Among the highlights of the weekend will be a children?s dance house in the Reformed Courtyard, at Ráday utca 28, with music by the Tükrös Group between 16:00 and 20:00 on Friday, June 9. At 16:30 on the same day, District IX mayor Dr. Ferenc Gegesy will open the festival.

On Saturday, from 16:00 to 17:00, there will be a programme of literature produced by English-speaking expatriates in Budapest. The programme will take place at the podium in Köztelek utca. At 19:00 on Saturday, the Church of Saint Francis in Bakáts Square at the end of Ráday Street will host an organ concert featuring Gábor Szotyori Nagy on organ and song by Jázmin Seipel and András Koloss.

On Sunday, at 21:00, the 2B Gallery at Ráday utca 47, will present drawings by Gábor Véssey inspired by the poems of Guillaume Apollinaire.

These are just a few of the weekend?s offerings. Many, many more events are planned, including readings, signings and concerts for adults, as well as crafts, fairy tale theatre and dancing for children.

The weekend?s programmes are being organised by bookseller Ráday Könyvesház.