Books by Kertész, Esterházy, Dalos Published in Italy


Jegyzőkönyv (Minutes), a book by Nobel Prize-winner Imre Kertész together with Péter Esterházy, has been published by Casagrande in a translation by Giorgio Pressburger. Italian daily La Repubblica recently ran a review of the book, called Verbale di polizia in its Saturday literary supplement in which the critic Vanna Vannuccini praised the translation highly. Esterházy's contribution to the book, a story entitled Élet és irodalom (Life and Literature), was published in Hungary in 1993 by Magvető and Századvég.
A book of Kertész's essays called A száműzött nyelv (The Exiled Language) has been published by Bompiani in a translation by Krisztina Sándor. The book, called Il secolo infelice in Italian, contains the essay A boldogtalan század (The Unhappy Century), originally published in Hungary by Magvető in 2001. The book was launched at a party at the Hungarian Academy in Rome on May 8.
György Dalos's Vendég a jövőből (Guest From the Future) has been published by Donzelli. The novel, based on the relationship between Anna Ahmatova and Sir Isaiah Berlin, is called Innamorarsi a Leningrado in Italian. It was translated by Monica Guerrera.