Boston Globe Lauds Szász Staging of Seagull


The production removes Chekhov's play from its historical context and places it in a dank and dark space in the future.

"It's strange. It occasionally threatens to slide into self-parody. But, in its eerie beauty, its mysterious shadows, and in fact in its very strangeness, it works," the critic Louise Kennedy wrote in The Boston Globe.
"By alienating us from [the historical context], Szász and his design team paradoxically bring us closer to the characters, in all their fascinating and peculiar detail....what Szász has done is to create a strange new world for Chekhov's play and also to pay careful, deep attention to the emotional and intellectual depths of the text. He's not just messing with it for the sake of showy effect; he's reimagining it in order to remain true to his understanding of its deepest essence," Kennedy wrote.
Kennedy also praised Szász for eliciting "powerful and astute performances" from the cast.
Photo: MTI