Boy George Behind Decks at Siófok?s Palace


Boy George ? born Alan O?Dowd in 1961 ? started spinning records in 1979 alongside Jeremy Healy, even before he became the front man for Culture Club, the legendary 80s band which has sold some 33 million records around the world.

?(Healy and I) carried on clubbing together and went to Ibiza to check out the summer of love, which got us hooked on the 'Acid House' scene in London,? George says on his website.

After the break-up of Culture Club in 1986, Boy George started a solo career. ?Everything I Own?, a single of his debut album quickly climbed the charts.

Around 1989, Boy George started DJing in the UK, enjoying being the centre of attention again.

?My career as a DJ was never planned, it just grew out of a few nervous gigs for friends but I started to love it. My manager was absolutely horrified that I was DJing for three hundred pounds a night in dingy clubs and thought it would destroy my reputation,? says Boy George.

The start of Boy George?s career behind the decks was note easy: ?At first, I got a lot of bitterness from other DJs who felt that I was only getting work on the back of my eighties fame. It was true but no one ever handed me success on a plate. I worked for years to build my reputation as a musician and I was well aware that I was a novice on the decks.?

?I know I'm a better musician than a DJ but I am learning all the time,? he adds.

What can be expected from Saturday?s show in Siófok? Boy George was never one to allow his style to be pigeon-holed, but clubbers can expect a big bass beat and body-shaking rhythm, all at a moderate pace. Perhaps he?ll play one of his countless mix albums, or perhaps not. Boy George adores change, just like his tolerant, open-minded audience.

Local talents Karányi and Hamvai P.G. will also play Saturday evening in the Palace?s Coca-Cola Soundwave Arena. In the venue?s Garden, Toto Jr. and Lukácsy will provide funk and r?n?b.