Brunsvik Palace Hosts Homage to Beethoven


 Géza Kovács
?I?ve been working with the orchestra and chorus for fifteen years now, and the weather has been good to us. We had to call a rain day just once, and one other time there was a downpour just as we finished the last note of the concert,? Kovács said. ?Let?s hope good fortune is on our side again, but we will be watching the weather forecasts closely,? he added.
The series of concerts will start this Saturday with a performance of Beethoven?s King Stephen Overture followed by Syphony No. 9 with chorus soloists Gabriella Fodor, Annamária Ócsai, Zoltán Nyári and Miklós Sebestyén.
On the following weekend, the last one in July, the orchestra will play the Leonore Overture No. 3 as well as Symphony No. 5 under the baton of Kossuth Prize winner Ádám Medveczky.
The series will close on August 6 with the Coriolan Overture, the Violin Concerto, featuring Kristóf Baráti, and Symphony No. 3. János Kovács will conduct.
Beethoven was a guest of the Brunsvik family at their estate in Martonvásár and was especially devoted to Josehpine Brunsvik.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)