Budapest Again Hosts International Circus Festival



We no longer have to invite productions, they now ask to come themselves, says László Varjasi, managing director of festival organiser Hungarian Circus and Variety. We had to turn down 80 productions that wanted to come this year, but the 25 or 26 we chose involve more than 80 circus artists from 16 countries, from China, South America, Russia, Italy and even Kenya, Varjasi says.

We choose productions that are special for circus professionals as well as the public, and this requires more than just a little technical bravura, according to Varjasi. A juggler may juggle 20 objects - a physical impossibility - but if the act lacks the necessary elements of show, it's no good. Anything can seem an attraction, but one must convince the audience they are seeing a world-class act. It's enough to juggle three balls if the performer uses the choreography, the music and the costume to the full extent, Varjasi explains. Put in a little humour, and you have success, he adds.

One such juggler - "Carlos" from South America - caused a sensation at the 1996 International Circus Festival. Varjasi says such was his temperament and his dynamic that the audience gave him a standing ovation. Carlos enjoyed a similar reception eight years later.

Productions at the festival are judged by an international jury. Though Hungarian productions have taken silver medals at the event, they have yet to win a gold, Varjasi says.
The 7th Budapest International Circus Festival will take place between Thursday and Sunday, rotating between two competition programmes. The best acts will be shown at the awards gala on Monday.
Author: Péter Nyulász