Budapest Celebrates International Animation Day


The screenings of the animated films, from Hungary, the UK, France, Japan, Portugal and many other countries, will take place at the House of Future (Jövő Háza), the Toldi Art Cinema, the Uránia National Film Theatre and the Szimpla Kert. The programme, to run for four days, was organised by Manifeszt, the Hungarian chapter of the International Animated Film Association (ASIFA), with the cooperation of Mozinet Magazin. Tickets will be free of charge or offered at discounted rates.

The programme offers visitors the chance to see again films shown at the Anifest and Mediawave festivals, and the Toldi Art Cinema will show thesis projects created by students of the Moholy-Nagy University of Arts between 1985 and 2006.

In addition to the screenings, other special events will be part of the programme too. The Uránia National Film Theatre will offer a short course on how animated films are made. It will also host two exhibitions: one focusing on the graphic novel Vincent and Van Gogh, by Gradmir Smudja and published by Art Comix, and the other showing Pál Korcsmáros?s ?Rejtő? comic books, published by Képes Kiadó. A number of newly published comics and graphic novels will be presented at the cinema as well, and members of the Hungarian Comic Strip Academy will share their craft with visitors.

The House of Future will show ?Magia Russica?, a documentary on the masters of Russian animation.

ASIFA launched International Animation Day in 2002. October 28, the day chosen for the event, is the anniversary of the first public performance of Emile Reynaud?s Theatre Optique, the predecessor of animated film, at the Grevin Museum in Paris in 1892.

The full programme can be seen in Hungarian at
