Budapest Gallery Shows Sárközy-Hornung Works in Beijing


The show features two of the artists? most well known pictures: a portrait of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Sárközy?s son, comprised of 80 images, and another of Carla Bruni, Sarkozy?s wife.
Sárközy said the show in China was an important one because of the weight of China not only in the global economy and in global politics, but in the world of the arts too.
?I don?t know what we would do without China,? he said.
Sárközy and Hornung work together in a new genre called digital fantasy. Sárközy makes drawings and Hornung adds photographs and digitally manipulates the images.
Abigail Gallery owner Katalin Hajdú said the exhibition would start a tour of North America and Latin America in Miami in December.
The Abigail Gallery has made it its mission to raise the profile of Hungarian artists who are better known abroad than in their own country. The gallery has shown work by Joseph KádárAnna SteinÁkos BíróFranyo AatothVaito AgatheImre Kun and Mátyás Liptay, most of whom live in France.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI)