Budapest Gallery Shows at ArtDubai


Work by Hans Kotter
The VILTIN Gallery, which is participating for the third time at the fair, will bring work by József Bullás and Hans Kotter to Dubai.
Bullás, is a representative of ?New Painting? in Hungary from the beginning of the 80s. His early works are abstract and figurative, but he started painting colour compositions comprised of ornaments from the second half of the 80s. He has participated in a number of Hungarian and foreign art fairs, including the 1985 Sao Paolo Biennale. Houston?s Anya Tish Gallery hosted a solo show of his work in 2008.

Work by József Bullás
Kotter, a German artist based in Berlin, ?examines the nature of light-colours?, the VILTIN Gallery says. His media ranges from coloured neon tubes to light boxes, but one of his most often used starting media is a radically enlarged slide ?which is the accurate documentation of the light-colour disintegrated by a prism?, it adds.
?The VILTIN Gallery opened in 2008 with the aim to introduce contemporary fine art authentically and without age-related priorities, at the same time honouring their predecessors,? ArtDubai says of the fair exhibitor.