Budapest Hosts 8th International Circus Festival


The biannual festival has turned Budapest into a summit for circus performers, and a recruiting ground for circus directors from around the world.
More artists will take place at this year's festival than ever before. Altogether 30 productions from 17 countries - from Venezuela to China - are on the programme. As in earlier years, the performances will be divided up into an "A" and a "B" programme.

Among the more exotic acts on the programmes are the Hebei Acrobats from China and the Duo Vanegas's "Wheel of Death" from Columbia. The comic acts include Professor Wacko from Great Britain and the juggler Dustin Nicolodi. The clowns Francesco from France and Henry from Venezuela will give the programmes a backbone, as well as a funny bone.

The Programmes:
Imre Baross Circus Arts School / opening (Hungary)
Professor Wacko / comedy trampoline (United Kingdom)
Henry / clown (Venezuela)
Roman Khapersky / hand balancing (Russia)
Kata Kiss / hula hoop (Hungary)
Stina and Lotta / rola-bola (Finland)
Henry / clown (Venezuela)
Sasha Poldi / fixed trapeze (Russia)
Duo La Brise / acrobatic adagio (Ukraine)
Hebei Acrobats / unicycle (China)
- intermission -
Vladislav Goncharov / lions (Ukraine)
Francesco / clown (France)
Pavel & Anastasia Voladas / parallel bars (Byelorussia)
Alex Traisi / ring juggler (Italy)
Surs Pill?res / comedy trapeze (France)
Barto / mime comedy (Belgium)
Quinterion / acrobatic voltige (Hungary)
Francesco / clown (France)
Trio Ayala / high wire (Venezuela)
- Finale -
Imre Baross Circus Arts School / opening (Hungary)
Hebei Acrobats / lasso and meteors (China)
Darja / cats acrobats (Latvia)
Francesco / clown (France)
Tatiana Konobas / fitness balls (Ukraine)
Benelo / floor acrobats (France)
Dustin Nicolodi / comedy juggler (Italy)
Charlotte de la Bret?que / aerial multicord (Belgium)
Francesco / clown (France)
Vorobiev Troupe / double swing (Russia)
- intermission -
Vladislav Goncharov / lions (Ukraine)
Henry / clown (Venezuela)
Marina Garbuza / aerial lyra (Ukraine)
Ivanovs / jugglers on unicycle (Russia)
Molly Saudek / tight wire (USA)
Lorant and Julia / aerial straps (Hungary)
Henry / clown (Venezuela)
Duo Vanegas / wheel of death (Columbia)
- Finale -
Author: Gábor Apats / Photo: