Budapest Invites Theron to See Real Thing


The actress Charlize Theron in North Country

"We are happy that Budapest comes to mind for some as someplace else where they enjoyed themselves, but we would be even happier if the actress would promote us based on her experience here next time. For this reason, we have invited her to the capital," Ikvai-Szabó said in a statement.

"Though (Theron) praised the Hungarian capital in error, we hope that after a weekend in Budapest, enriched by genuine experiences, she can even better promote our city around the world," Ikvai-Szabó said, adding that her visit would be organised by Budapest Tourism Services Company.
In a recent interview, Theron described, with much enthusiasm, a visit to Budapest, mentioning the city three times by name. But she meant the Turkish city of Istanbul, which she visited with her boyfriend actor Stuart Townsend.
"We went to Turkey. When we got over there, we rented a car and we drove all the way to Budapest. By the time we got to Budapest it was like the Cannes Film Festival, I'd never seen anything like it," London's Daily Mail reported Theron said.
Theron was actually at the Istanbul International Film Festival.
She described buying Turkish carpets, visiting a Turkish bazaar and the lavish attention she received in "Budapest".
The star added: "When we travel, it's like backpacking. We don't stay in fancy hotels. We like to go and be part of the culture," the Daily Mail wrote.
Theron was being interviewed to promote In The Valley Of Elah, in which she plays a detective who helps search for a US soldier gone missing after returning from Iraq.