Budapest Theatre Participates in Blog Festival


The Örkény Theatre is participating in the BLOGTXT Theatrefestival, a project that will distil texts for the theatre from private and multi-media internet diaries - commonly known as webblogs, or blogs for short - and dramatise them.

The Schauspielhaus GRAZ is leading the project, which also involves theatres from Poland and Romania.
"The aim of this project is to look into the way of thinking of the internet generation in the project's partner countries and to identify and investigate common grounds, differences, claims, ways and questions within the new European sphere," the organiser says on the BLOGTXT Theatrefestival's home page.
In the first phase of the project, which will end shortly, 15-20 blogs will be selected to be dramatised. In January, the Hungarian directors András Dömötör, Gábor Rusznyák and András Tóth will prepare a reading of the selected blogs. Writers - perhaps even the bloggers themselves - will be commissioned to put together a theatre performance based on the material. This will be performed at the BLOGTXT Theatrefestival in Graz on May 21-25. The winner of the festival will be commissioned to write a play.
Source: Hungarian New Agency (MTI)
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