Budapest Theatre Performs in Seoul



The Vígszínház is performing Othello three times on September 17-19 at the National Theatres World Festival on the invitation of the Korean National Theatre. Othello is one of 36 productions from ten countries showing at the festival.

Korea?s ambassador to Hungary Chung-Ha Su said Hungary was seen as a ?country of artists? in Korea, thus there was much anticipation of the performance by the Vígszínház.
Vígszínház Theatre director Enikő Eszenyi said she had placed a strong emphasis on forging ties with foreign authors and companies already in her application for the job.
?As one of the greatest prose theatres of a small nation, I don?t want to see our language shut in,? she said.
While the Vígszínház troupe is in Korea, Bratislava?s Astroka Theatre is showing a comedy by Gábor Görgey at their home in Budapest.
In April, the Vígszínház?s troupe will return to the Korean capital for a theatre conference, Eszenyi said.
The Vígszínház troupe will perform Galron Hadar?s Mikve, directed by Michal Docekal of the Czech National Theatre, in October.
Source: Hungarian News Agency (MTI) / Photo: Eszter Gordon