Budapest Zoo Celebrates 140th Anniversary


Budapest?s deputy-mayor János Schiffer opened the celebrations on Thursday together with Minister of Culture András Bozóki, who unveiled a new parrot exhibit, and zoo director Ilma Bogsch, who presented plans for further developments this year and presented awards for a campaign to protect rhinos.

As part of the celebrations, the zoo has opened an exhibition of photographs spanning its history, and new signs have been placed near the animals offering visitors information on when they were first brought to Hungary.

One of the big developments at the zoo planned for this year is a new HUF 430 million panorama exhibit for artic animals. Work will also start this year on a new home for the zoo?s crocodiles, which have outgrown their old home in the Palm House.

The zoo will continue to mark special days, such as Earth Day and Animals Day, with events. Over the Easter holidays, the zoo will again set up its bunny-petting exhibit, a favourite with the local children.

The Budapest Zoo is not the only one of Hungary?s zoos which will see developments in 2006. The Ministry of Culture plans to spend HUF 300 million on refurbishments at Hungary?s 12 zoos this year. The majority of the funding will be available by application.