Celebration of Hungarian Song Hums on Horizon


The celebration of Hungarian song, in its third year, will start a week earlier with the launch of the ?Song Tram?. From September 5, passengers on the number 4 tram on Budapest?s inner ring road will be treated to several live acts. Public broadcaster Duna TV will also broadcast a series called Hungarian Song Week in the run-up to Sunday. 
 Gábor Presser

The Day of Hungarian Song Kft doesn?t organise any concerts, thus it doesn?t leave anybody out, said Gábor Presser, a giant on the Hungarian music scene for decades who established the first Day of Hungarian Song. The non-profit company just brings together and assists anybody who wants to celebrate Hungarian song, he added. 

?This is not an official celebration, and there?s nothing wrong with that. Let it rather be a day on which we all share our happiness,? Presser said. 
The city of Eger, which has won this year?s title of ?Capital of Hungarian Song?, will have seven venues for the Day of Hungarian Song on Sunday. The folk-inspired Csík Zenekar will be the hosts on the city?s main stage on Dobó Square. In addition to music, the city will offer music-lovers a taste of the local cuisine and wine. 
Concerts will take place in nine other cities around the country, including Debrecen, Boldog, Salgótarján, Szentendre, Szombathely and Mosonmagyaróvár. 
Public broadcaster Magyar Televízió will show a three-hour report on the day?s events on September 12 from 9pm. 
For more information in Hungarian, visit www.magyardalnapja.hu